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Cutthorpe Primary School home page

Welcome to

Cutthorpe Primary School

Every child should feel valued, respected, and cared for. Achieving and caring together.


Children with special needs

The curriculum in our school is designed to provide access and opportunity for all children who attend the school. If we think it necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, then we do so only after the parents of the child have been consulted.


If a child has a special need, our school does all it can to meet these individual needs. We comply with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice in providing for children with special needs. If a child displays signs of having special needs, his/her teacher makes an assessment of this need. In most instances the teacher is able to provide resources and educational opportunities which meet the child’s needs within the normal class organisation. If a child’s need is more severe, we consider the child for a statement of special needs, and we involve the appropriate external agencies when making this assessment. We always provide additional resources and support for children with special needs.


The school provides an Individual Support Plan for each of the children who are on the special needs register. This sets out the nature of the special need, and outlines how the schools will aim to address the need. It also sets out targets for improvement, so that we can review and monitor the progress of each child at regular intervals.

Contact Us


Cutthorpe Primary School Hill,

Cutthorpe, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S42 7AS

01246 234585